Tom Brown Gravy (9 months+)
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What a twist! If your kids don’t like eating beans porridge this is a great way to pair it as a stew with rice or fried yams Enjoy:
Not every time Rice and Beans Sometimes noodle form Enjoy this Chinese inspired yummy dish
Enjoy this Green Curry Couscous/Fonio goodness, perfect for children 9 months+. Omit salt for children less than 12m. Watch:
Oluwaseun Adetosoye is the founder of “High Soles Farm Tours”, a company that specializes in training farmers, aspiring farmers. Urban growers, as well as Agriprocessors by organizing workshops, tours, training, conferences, and attending industry-related shows amongst others. High soles Farm Tours has trained well over 400 farmers since inception and hopes to scale this up …