Are you?

  • a parent passionate about your child’s nutrition and well being
  • School Owner
  • Caregiver or
  • Child Nutrition Enthusiast?

Then this community is for you!

Who We Are?

NUTRITION4KIDSNG is a child nutrition platform that is passionate about promoting childhood growth and development through Nutrition.

With thousands of families impacted through our current child nutrition program, our vision is to change the narrative around food and protect the next generation of Nigerians.

Choose A Plan

Premium membership

N2,000 (One Off)

    • Access to Premium Peer-2-Peer telegram group
    • Access to Q and A sessions with a nutritionist


VIP membership​

N15,000 (Quarterly)


  • Access to VIP expert telegram group
  • Unlimited Access to a pediatric nutritionist within the telegram group.
  • % Discount on nutrition courses
  • 50% discount on PEDS nutrition challenge
  • 1 Free 30 mins pediatric consultation
  • Limited Access to website nutrition resources
  • Live access to expert sessions

For more enquiries or having payment issues contact us at or +234 703 936 5033


The PEDS challenge was the best thing to happen to me as a new mom

The PEDS challenge was the best thing to happen to me as a new mom. When I started introducing solids to my son, it was a Herculean task. He was very fussy and I will spend my days crying in frustration. I didn’t know the right foods to give him and exciting varieties to explore till I met Ify of @thekidnutritionist who now also introduced me to labake @workingmum_diary. Now I don’t only know how to make my son eat healthy and nutritious meals, I know exciting ways to introduce them to him and spice things up so we don’t get bored. I am proud to say that all my sons meals are balanced and nutrient dense. I wouldn’t have achieved that without the PEDS challenge. This is a challenge after my heart and I can’t wait for the PEDS 6.0.

Ezike Ifunanya

I must say I was pleasantly surprised with the in-depth information, the tools made available and the hands on approach

I was a participant in the PED 5.0 challenge. I had some knowledge on nutrition (been an avid reader and very particular about what I and my family are exposed to with regards to nutrition &  health. I joined the challenge amidst a tight schedule to see what was on the offer and to glean one or two things.

I must say I was pleasantly surprised with the in-depth information, the tools made available and the hands on approach offered by Labake and Ify. It was an investment worth much more than the cost of registration. I was able to solve a lingering constipation issue my daughter had with the expert advice of the Pediatric Nutritionist. More so I learnt ways to make our locally sourced meals nutrient dense. The participants were wonderful, sharing our success and failures along the challenge. Ify and Labake well done guys!!! I am signing up for the next challenge along with 5 other Mamas.
If you have never been on this challenge, Mama do yourself and your loved ones a favor…. JOIN THE CHALLENGE ! ……you can thank me later….

Stella IB

 It was an amazing 14 days for me I practically learnt more than enough

 It was an amazing 14 days for me I practically learnt more than enough. How and what to feed my kids with isn’t a problem any more to me…the combinations n varieties to suit there taste bud yet nutrient dense. I was turned into a kid nutritionist over night with PEDS 🤣🤣…PEDS ROCK!!! What I learnt are numerous…business ideas even …waiting earnestly for the next PEDS challenge. My baby’s weight is super super increased now!
Mummy Uriel n Zuriel

PED 5.0 had a lovable community of mums and facilitators who were hands on

 I joined PED challenge right on time when my son was about six months. Yes I knew I wanted to be all natural, organic, homemade, nutrient dense, quality nutrition kinda mom but the problem was how to go about it as a first time mum. PED 5.0 had a lovable community of mums and facilitators who were hands on to teach and make the 2wks challenge seamless, lectures were well detailed. You learn about the right composition of foods, how to cook, what to add, what to cook, when to cook, It was basically simplified into ABC. My son gets to eat varieties from the basic foodstuff I have at home, all I have to do is apply the CPF formula…..scratch that, you have to join the next challenge to understand that acronym.

The time, money and attention invested was totally worth it

 I am a proud participant of the PEDS challenge and i must say it was really an eye opener to all things child nutrition. From feeding all classes of foods to proper combinations, healthy thirst quenchers, deworming  and several insightful and interesting topics. The facilitators i.e Labby with the stickers and Ify with the spring sprong phonetics are vast in knowledge and they answered questions with so much enthusiasm to help. The time, money and attention invested was totally worth it. They are the real MVPs.

Looking forward to the next PEDS challenge.

Omoikhunu Patience

I did a 2 week no artificial drink and biscuit for my toddler

I was fortunate to be among PED 1.0 so when PED 5.0 came I was so pumped…The things I learnt  from PED 5.0 was so enlightening but most importantly I learnt how to give my kids healthy snacks and food in general. I did a 2 week no artificial drink and biscuit for my toddler and just healthy snacks… it is safe to say we have remained on the journey due to PEDS 5.0 all thanks to our facilitators…I really implore all parents to try and join..We owe it to our kids to give them healthy meals and lifestyle..I can’t wait for the next thing ify and labake will reveal because  I know they are always on top of their game…
Mrs. Quadri