Jadens Mixagrain contains all-natural multigrain rice & potato cereal made with
yellow corn, sorghum, sweet potatoes, melons, rice & dates powder.
An extra-smooth, nutritious and tasty cereal just like home.
Jadens Mixagrain is specially richer in dietary fibre, energy and almost zero allergen concerns for babies.
Most importantly, is extra fortified with Vitamin A, an essential micronutrient of public health importance for the growth & development of African children.
15% daily intake dietary fibre recommendation
Silky Smooth
Light Brown/Creamy
How to Prep:
Prep in a pot on the stove for just 2 minutes.
For Creche & Busier days:
No need to make Jadens each time your child needs to feed, simply make in bulk and store in the warmer and it can be scooped and served at each mealtime.
Jadens can keep fresh in the warmer for up to 18 hours.
We never thrash Jadens because its real food. Leftovers can be refrigerated and re-heated for baby as long as it still tastes and looks fresh.
For microwave use, food must be covered and in heat-safe wares only.
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